A Statement from Kennedy Community Health President and CEO and Board Chair

For over 47 years, Kennedy Community Health has been a strong advocate for social justice and health equity for the most vulnerable and marginalized populations in the communities we serve.  As our country grapples with the senseless murder of another black man, we cannot remain silent. The horrific act that caused the death of George Floyd was a travesty, revealing, once again, the racism and hate that is destroying our democracy.

The community health center movement was born out of the fight for civil rights in the 1960s, when Drs. Geiger and Gibson recognized the inequities in our health care system.  While community health centers across the nation have remained committed to ensuring health equity for all individuals, as a society we have not done our part to eliminate the root cause of the inequities that are pervasive today.

Kennedy Community Health mourns the death of George Floyd and stands with Black Lives Matter.  We will remain ever vigilant and will call out all acts of injustice, racism and hate as they have no place in our community, our Commonwealth or our country.


Stephen J. Kerrigan

President and Chief Executive Officer

Valerie Zolezzi-Wyndham

Chair of the Board of Directors